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Job Opportunities

Part of our commitment to our customers is always providing high quality parts. We wouldn't be able to fulfill that commitment without high quality people. We want to manufacture the best parts so we need the best people. We don't simply want a warm body filling a position, we want an engaged, passionate and hard working work force. If that's you... this is the place for you.

CNC Operator

CNC operators are the life blood of any CNC shop. The job responsibilities can be simply put; they are responsible for getting parts out of the door. They are the hands on the w 


Our vision is to realize the full potential of our customers, our employees and our communities. We want to drive a new era of quality, value, and productivity in American manufacturing.


We realize that statement may seem a little "pie in the sky," but without a road map to where we want to be, our journey will likely end early or go down a wrong path. 

Street at Night
Image by Jason Leung

Core Values

We have 4 core values at Reed Precision and they dictate not only how we make parts or do business, but they help guide how we strive to live our lives as part of something greater than ourselves. These core values are:







In every day life we strive for excellence within ourselves. We strive to add value to those around us and the work that we do. We want to hold ourselves to a higher standard and always do our best to do the right thing, even when it's not the easy thing. We are forever students, learning new ways to improve ourselves and never settling.  

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